Kindernews March, 2011

Dear Parents,

It looks like spring is finally on the way!  The children have been so thrilled to be outside after a long stretch of indoor recess.

We have just started a theme on transportation called Wheels Go Around.  We’ve had great discussions about different kinds of vehicles and what they are used for.  We will be reading fictional and non-fictional stories about transportation.  Our new sight words for this theme are for and have.  The sight words we have learned up to now are I, see, my like, a, to and, go, is, and here.  Please practice at home to reinforce these wordsOur Alphafriends for this theme are Dudley Duck and Zelda Zebra.  We will be building words with the short i sound (our Alphafriend Iggy Iguana).  Our next theme beginning about March 24th is Down on the Farm.  The sight words for that theme will be said and the, and the Alphafriends will be Mr. X-Ray and Ozzie Octopus. We will blend words using the short o sound. 

In math we are working on chapter nine, Numbers Beyond 20.  Children will be able to identify all numbers 0 – 31 and they will learn to count objects to 31.  We will also review counting by 10’s and 5’s.  Later in the month we will begin a chapter on geometry and fractions.  The children will learn to identify the three dimensional shapes, cone, sphere, cylinder, and cube.  They will be introduced to fractional parts (halves and fourths), equal parts, and explore symmetry.

Thursday, May 10th we will have our Kindergarten WIND rotation.  Parents are invited to join us for the rotations at 9:10.  Kindergarten is also planning a field trip to Harcum Dairy farm in May.  Look for more information to come home.

Please email me, [email protected] or call me (410-677-5101) with any questions or concerns.  My website address is: .

 Happy Spring!  Marea Dyson & Angela Thornton

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