Classroom Discipline

Establishing good classroom discipline is essential to each child’s success, confidence and well-being. Every child should feel that the classroom environment is safe and secure; free from all threats of physical or emotional harm. In addition, it is important that each child learn to develop self-discipline and good work habits, to resolve conflicts peacefully, and to think independently.

The children and I will discuss the classroom rules and the reason for these rules. We will have a card system in place to give children a visual aid when they need to be reminded of their behavior. Each child will have a pocket on a chart with his/her name written on it. In their pocket will be three cards, one green, one yellow, and one red. If a child needs to be reminded to follow classroom rules he will receive two warnings. If the behavior continues, the green card will be removed from his pocket. Another reminder calls for the yellow card to be removed, and a brief time-out will be given along with a discussion of the offense. If poor behavior continues, the red card will be pulled and the student will have an extended time-out. It is understandable that some days we just feel off balance, however, if classroom rules are severely or persistently broken, parents will be contacted by note or by telephone and the behavior may result in the child’s visit to the principal’s office.

Your child will bring home a behavior calendar in his/her folder that indicates his behavior for the day (greenJ, yellow needs improvement, or redL). Please sign or initial the calendar block each day and return to school.

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